Revisit Empowering Women in Energy: From Classroom to Career

Missed the event or want to share it with someone? Find the recordings and transcripts here!

Empowering Women in Energy: From Classroom to Career was a compelling event exploring the crucial role of STEM education for girls in shaping a workforce ready to lead the energy transition.

The sold out event hosted at EY in Sydney highlighted the importance of early STEM engagement for girls and the diverse opportunities it creates for future leaders in clean energy.

As the clean energy sector begins to boom, Australia cannot keep pace with its race to net zero without the active participation of women, who currently face significant underrepresentation. According to Jobs and Skills Australia's 'The Clean Energy Generation' report, women dominate in general clerical roles within the sector but are rarely seen in trade qualified or engineering positions. With the projected need for 32,000 more electricians and nearly 2 million workers in building and engineering trades by 2050, it is crucial to foster an inclusive environment that encourages women to pursue and excel in these roles.

We were joined by a fabulous group of speakers from both industry and community organisations who offered invaluable insights on creating a diverse and inclusive workforce.

  • Annika Freyer: Champions of Change Coalition, CEO
  • Simone Hughes: Rutherford Technology High School, Principal
  • Anna-Grace Millward: The Orbispace Initiative, Founder
  • Sandra Moore: NSW Department of Education, STEM Equity and Partnerships
  • Victoria Mollard: Australian Energy Market Commission, Executive GM, Economics and System Security
  • Lynn Morrison: EY, Partner - Assurance
  • Clare Sporle: EY, Financial Services Partner & Managing Partner, NSW
  • Naomi Wynn: Ausgrid, Net Zero Partnerships and Regulatory Manager

We now invite you to enjoy the recordings from this event and share them with your friends and colleagues. They are a fantastic tool to understand more about the structural and cultural barriers preventing girls from pursuing STEM and how we can collectively work to dismantle them.


Welcome & Opening Remarks

Read the transcript


Engaging Female Students in STEM

Read the transcript


Sustaining STEM Engagement in Girls (Panel)

Read the transcript


The Power of Diversity in Clean Energy (Panel)

Read the transcript


You can also find the full playlist of videos on YouTube.